In the early 1990’s, the Copperton Tailings Impoundment, which collected water from the Bingham Canyon Mills, became part of the South OU of the Bingham Canyon South Zone NPL site. Anderson was retained by the Principle Responsible Party to provide project management and construction oversight for the remedial action at the Copperton Tailings site near Salt Lake City, Utah.

Design, Construction Management, LTOMM
The impoundment design included the creation of five earthen cells, (over an existing tailings facility), with a sophisticated cap to prevent infiltration and provide a surface for a sustainable vegetative cover. Work included design, management and oversight for placement of impacted soils from an associated residential yard remediation project, construction of the composite liner system (clayment, synthetic liner, gravel and topsoil), construction of the surface and below surface drainage control system, installation of rip rap slope protection and re-vegetation of all disturbed areas.
Since the completion of construction, Anderson has provided operations and maintenance site-wide to maintain the integrity of the reclamation.